Captain’s Challenge: Round 3, skippers to target and avoid

We run the rule over the best NRL SuperCoach captaincy and vice-captaincy options to consider.

Captain's Challenge NRL

Wowee guys. How are we at Thursday already? And how is there a game already? And I haven’t finalised my trades yet, but here we are, and now we must talk Captains.

Firstly, let’s take a look at the Captaincy options I got right last week:

Now that we’ve got that out of the way…

No, no, wait. I had Haas as a safe option. And look, at this stage – 67 points is nothing to sniffle at. Phew. One out of three (four, five…okay six) ain’t bad. I also had a split-second sentence about a man named Harry (92 points) buried somewhere deep in paragraph 500, and a nice mention of a 71-point Latrell as a Poddy Captaincy Option.

Thank. The. Lord. I am redeemed.

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Now let’s hand out a quick Captain Congratulations to last year’s SC winner Tim Moodie who Sir Captained his team’s namesake, the great Viliame Kikau in his 100th game (87 points). Let’s also give a round of applause to whoever Captained the glorious Mr Hynes (101 points).

And let’s not forget to admire the fortune telling skills of those who put the big C on Nat ‘I score tries in my sleep’ Butcher and Jeremy Marshall ‘I am the try scoring, tackle-busting, offload king’ King.

A quick Clementine’s Counselling Session also – with cash rises looming and cash drops dooming, do not stress out over a teensy little price drop if you’re trading out somebody who is almost likely going to come good and who you will want to have back in your team soon, and who you are going to waste two trades on to do so. Fifita traders I’m looking at you.

But always also go with your gut and do what’s right for your individual team.

Now, to this week’s Captains we go…

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Your ‘Safe’ Captain Choices

(*whispers – ‘there are no safe choices)

Tommy Turbo

Okay, so by about 7pm AEST on Sunday night, there are going to be four types of people playing this game:

  • Those who never had Turbo who’ve been watching the game through their fingers behind the couch,
  • Those who started with Turbo and traded him out before his price drop who’ve been watching the game through their fingers behind the couch,
  • Those who held Turbo and spent the entire weekend in spasms of nervous energy who’ve been watching the game through their fingers behind the couch, and
  • Those who held Turbo and Sir Captained him against the Dogs like an absolute confident boss, because Manly’s draw from now on is the whole purpose they got Turbo in, and whilst they’ve watched the game through their fingers behind the couch – wowee if he carves up these people are legit going to be the happiest people in the whole absolute universe.

If you have Turbo, and you’re holding him, and riding him through the inevitable price drop – Sir Captain him against the Dogs.

Don’t expect a double ton – this is not 2021 – this is more like 2020…umm too.

But do very much expect him to score some of those attacking stats we know and love from the great Sir Tommy T, and which have been missing from his points the last two weeks.

Last year Turbo scored an eye-watering 144 and 170 points against the Bulldogs, including an incredible three tries per game.

And the last two weeks, it’s been like watching a caged bird who just wants to spread his wings and fly.

And by God, the minute he gets some space on Sunday, he is going to fly down that field like the beautiful soaring Sea Eagle he was born to be.

Now some factors to consider. It is looking like it’s going to be wet which will limit Turbo somewhat. And to be fair the Dogs defence is not looking too shabby at all, and good defence has definitely been doing a number on Turbo these past two weeks.

But I say, if you’ve got him now, you’re in for the whole shebang, so just give the man the Big C.

Choose your VC wisely, because this is the very last game of the round.

And being able to use the VC loop on whoever else takes your fancy throughout this round is literally what makes having your Sir Captain playing last so entirely fabulous.

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Payne Haas

Look, if you want a safe reliable Captain – you can do no worse than everyone’s favourite FRF – the big Haasanator.

At 67 points last week, he wasn’t exactly setting the world alight captaincy wise, but it was a nice solid amount of points – especially compared to those who went the Turbo, Lil’ Papi, or Fifita route.

We love a QLD Derby up here, and Sunday arvie at Suncorp Stadium is going to be the place to be.

Last year against the Cowboys, big Haas did not disappoint, knocking out a casual 82 in 62 minutes and a very respectable 73 in 65 minutes – the majority of these points in nice solid Payne Haas base.

This is a safe choice – Give him the armband, sit back, crack open a cold one, and relax as you watch him rack you up a decent amount of Sir Captain Points.

Maybe also consider putting the VC on a player with a huge ceiling here too. There’s plenty of games played before this one, where a Teddy or a Lil’ Papi or even a Fifita (pls) are playing too.

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Lil’ Papi

Lil’ Papi and his glorious mullet, wrapping up last week’s game against the Bunnies by claiming an exhilarating golden point field goal, like the glorious clutch he is.

What an absolute highlight of the game.

Lil’ Papi’s 51 points however, were not a highlight of the game last Thursday. But Melbourne has many mouths to feed and so we can forgive him (I’m only forgiving him because he was my VC though – even though my Captain didn’t do any better).

I also note that the incredible Harry is going to be missing on Saturday, having succumbed to ye’ old spicey cough.

And, because I love nothing better than an Instagram stalk – I did notice some kicking going on in Lil’ Papi’s stories…hmmm interesting. Will there be some kicking points floating our way with no Harry to take that away like at the beginning of the game last week?

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Less mouths – more points for Papi?

Or too many big guns out – less points for Papi?

Anyway. Last time they played the Eels, Lil Papi scored a 73 and a 71 and not a try to be seen. Hmmm. Slightly ho-hum considering what we know he can do – but I also think the Storm (even without some of their big players) are the better team going into this match-up.

Look, up to you – I won’t be Captaining him (likely), but Lil’ Papi is just a safe choice so let’s just leave him right here in the safe choice aisle of the (Vice) Captaincy supermarket.

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The Poddy x Captain Risky Collaboration

(aka: a completely delicious choice, like a craft beer collaboration direct from the minds of a couple of Burleigh x Byron Bay best craft beer connoisseurs).

David Fifita

Hands up who Captained Big David last week because he was going to get 8 tries…


And then when he got 8 touches of the ball instead – hands up who felt just a bit slightly Ripped. Off…?

Umm. Also same.

Anywho, at time of writing, big David has been traded out by 5,187 SuperCoachers, and just popping in my two cents here – I think this is a big old mistake.

And look, I honestly understand if you don’t Captain him against the Raiders (who didn’t look very crash hot in their loss against the Cowboys last week, but who will be out for redemption this week).

But just consider this:

The 20 – 18 win over the Warriors would’ve been way, WAY too close for comfort. Unless Fifita’s nursing a niggle and they’re protecting him, I can’t see how they don’t reflect back on the last couple of games and create a plan around utilising their best weapon better on the field.

Give Fifita some quality early ball, get him involved, and watch the man rack up those points (on the field and in your SC team too).

The last two times he played the Raiders, he scored a respectable 88 and 82.

He’s def a (slightly risky) Captaincy consideration – but at least Consider a VC if you’ve got a Turbo or a Haas playing the next day who you can pop the big C on instead.

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Josh Curran

I LOVE Josh.

And not just because he plays for my Warriors, but because the man just loves hard work and getting involved.

And we all love an involved player racking up those points for us.

The Warriors will want a win under their belts, particularly after such a close loss last week to the Titans, and I’m expecting my second favourite player to go large against the Tigers – who were annihilated 26 – 4 last week by the barnstorming Knights.

Don’t be surprised if Curran pops over for a try. And also gets a try assist.

That is all.

As a Friday night game, he is a most respectable VC choice, should you wish to play your loop.

Nicho Hynes

How could we have a poddy captain choice without considering the great Mr Hynes?

Confession time – I did not think he was going to go back to his massive point scoring ways this year straight away…

…and boy was I wrong or what!

Because he has, and wowee has he done it in style!

Now we might look at the stats last year against the Saints, and to be fair he was playing fullback in the game in Round 10 where he scored (*double checks) ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO POINTS! Including 5 (FIVE!) try assists.

But even at halfback, the man is showing no signs of slowing down and after two rounds is currently sitting at 3rd place on the highest point scoring table, with an incredible 86.5 average.

Now, he is playing the first game, tonight, so perhaps consider a nice safe Vice Captaincy here, just in case, to take the loop – but if you have the man – he MUST, he simply MUST, come into your considerations this week.

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The Great Captain Fullback Showdown

Latrell Mitchell vs Teddy

The showdown of the year.

Latrell Mitchell vs the Roosters.

Teddy vs Latrell.

So real. It’s unreal.

This is the one we’ve all been waiting for.

Who’s going to make that first bone rattling tackle?

Will it be Victor the Inflictor or will it be big JWH?

Their target? Your potential Captain Risky Pod Option.

Latrell is going to be fired up. The Roosters boys are going to be fired up.

Sparks will be flying, and this will hopefully set fire to the whole entire field of players leading to a whole bunch of delicious points.

Latrell is either going to come out like an absolute gun and absolutely rip the Roosters to shreds.

Or the Roosters are going to take this game by the horns from the get go, and Teddys going to do Teddy things – and rip the Bunnies to shreds aka like what they did to Manly last week with their 26-12 win.

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Teddy you glorious man. You’ve been reinstated as the crispiest of bacon after your delicious performance last weekend.

Scoring a very delightful 84 Teddy points, the man looked back on top of his game after a disappointing Round 1.

Against the Bunnies in Round 3 last year, he scored a 74, including a try.

Let us not talk about the Round 24 game against the Bunnies last year, when he scored an 18, including a tackle.

Anyhow, I like Teddy in this Friday night game, as at least a VC choice this week.

Please consider.


He’s back.

After missing a couple of conversions, big Latrell whacked a 2-point field goal over in the dying minutes last week to almost upset Bellamy’s 500th glory, by taking the game into Golden Point.

I would be Hulk Hoganing TF out too.

Now despite the Bunnies looking slightly out of whack in the first half last week, I do think they’re going to come out guns blazing, in the match-up that has the NRL marketers salivating.

In the same game Teddy scored an 18 last year, Latrell whacked out a 106. Including two (TWO) tries.

Honestly, if you’re one of the 2.7% of owners with a Latrell pod in your team – at least pop a VC on him…

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The No-Go Zone

Harry Grant

Harry “92 Points” Grant. The man came on the field and absobloodylutely carved up last week.

What. A. Guy.

The hills were alive with the sound of all those who traded him in for Cheese, or carried him from Round 1, while the rest of us sat there watching in disbelief then went to bed nursing major hooker FOMO.

But then…

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All those lucky Grant owners who were going to put the Big C on their guy this week, are sadly not going to get the chance.

Because the big C is already on Harry. The big C. O. V. I. D.

And even though I don’t own him (yet), I am very sad for you.

I promise. Very, very sa…

Okay, who am I kidding. As a non-Grant owner, I am bloody jubilant by this unexpected turn of events – although on a more serious note, I do very much hope Harry is okay and gets well soon.

My Verdict

There is no safe choice…

No haha. Look. This is an entirely difficult Sir Captaincy week. Especially as we’ve seen players we wouldn’t have even CONSIDERED putting the Big C on, whacking out tons (Marshall-King and Butcher I’m looking at you).

Personally, I think if you’re holding a POD with the potential to go large – put it on him. Think Turbo, Mr Nicholas Hynes, Latrell – if I had any of these guys, I’d be taking a risk on one of them pulling it out of the bag for you.

If you want to play it safe, go Teddy or Haas. I feel like they have enough points in them to see you through the weekend with a nice respectable score.

I’d personally avoid Lil’ Papi (though now I’ve said that expect him to ton right up).

And don’t forget, if you have an NPR riding on your bench – consider selecting your VC and Captain in a way that you can take a high-ceiling players points if he racks them up with the loop, or breathing a sigh of relief and fondly looking forward to your Sir Safe Captain’s knock, if he doesn’t.

So anyway – that concludes Clementine’s Captaincy Choices for another week. Choose your Captains wisely friends – and if you’ve got a sneaky poddy captain up your sleeve like an under-the-radar wingercoaster who’s taken your eye – may he score you an absolute ton.

Because once again last week, we saw that anything can, and will, happen in the world of NRL and SuperCoach.

Sometimes it seems just so…ahhh…unreal?

Here’s to your footy team winning, your SC team raking up points, and your weekend being absolutely amazing my friend.

Until next time

Clementine x

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