Clem’s NRL Supercoach Captains: Round 18

2021 sixth-placed Supercoach Clementine Cassidy analyses the best NRL Supercoach captains to consider for Round 18.


You know that last scene in the Hangover movie where Alan finds Stu’s camera lodged in the backseat of the car…

“We look at these pictures together, one time, and then we delete the evidence…

“Guys, one time. Deal?

“Oh dear lord! That’s classic…”

Well, a similar scene happened last Friday morning at Friday Beers headquarters.

Let me set the scene:

So, I was sitting in the sheds, lonely, crushed, slightly heartbroken, staring at the cold grey concrete floor and wondering where my team was and if they were ever coming back after they went missing the Friday night of Round 14.

Not a whisper had been heard of them since, despite plastering the city and the media with “Gone Missing” messages…

And just as I was mournfully pondering if this is the year my SuperCoach nemesis, that dastardly villain SC Spy, FINALLY beats me in SuperCoach, I heard a sheepish shuffle at the door, and who should come walking through but Xavier Willison, followed by Sam Hughes, Dom Young, James Tedesco.

One by one they filed in, battered, bruised, but with a glint in their eyes that spoke of a wild, debaucherous, and fun couple of weeks, and with a digital camera filled with some of the most glorious shots known to mankind.

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And honestly, who could be angry when they had such excellent tales to tell from their two-week bender…and so all is forgiven and all the evidence is now deleted, and they all came good on their promise to play their hearts out for me in Round 18…

…except Danny Levi, who’s apparently still missing…

…Vegas has him now. We will never speak of his 10 points again.

The bye rounds and me. As you know, we’re not friends. 

Like, I am as cursed as Joey Manu when Timmy brings him into his team.

And wasn’t that a kick in the guts for everyone who faithfully owned him since almost the beginning (eg. yours truly) when the Timmy curse multiplied on itself and poor Joey M spontaneously combusted on the field and now is out for weeks and I am so sorry Sir Joey M, I will do everything in my power next season to:


We will hold a special meeting in the community hall on Monday to start discussing the ‘Save Joey M from Timmy W’ plan of attack for next season.

I’ll bring the whiskey.

And so, we’re into Round 18 already, and how?

This season has just flown by and with a whole heap of dubious Captaincy choices under my belt – three-point Prince Nicho, I’m looking at you (and a handful of okay ones) let’s see if we can come good on the Captaincy’s for Round 18!

So, without further ado, your Captain options for the Round are:

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James Tedesco

We had him as Captain of the Round last week and despite a small waver in my determination at the eleventh hour when I almost went Nicho, I, along with 100 million other SuperCoachers, happily banked his 116 points vs the Tigers.

A 3-round average of 99 – if you don’t own Teddy, please fix it right now! 

The SuperCoach app notes say it best, with their eloquently eloquent statement:

The best fullback in SuperCoach period.”

Playing the Dragons on Sunday arvo, if you own Teddy, just give him the Captaincy armband and sit back and relax for the weekend. 

Your job here is done. Period.

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Nicho Hynes

Okay so he didn’t exactly reach the lofty heights vs the Bulldogs that owners expected with a 48 last round, and as an owner, the 3, 68, 48 over his last three games stings a little…

But! You gotta have faith!

What’s a little 40 point 3-round average between friends, and we KNOW what Nicho can do!

This week, playing the Titans on a Friday night – if you own Nicho you may absolutely consider the Vice Captaincy on him.

Because I checked the weather and it’s raining.

That is all.

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David Fifita

Is that an Origin call up I hear in the distance?

Maybe. A slight whisper anyway. So, guess who’s going to be absolutely playing his heart out Friday night with a potential spot up for grabs?

In the same game where Nicho is going to go 150+, you may also consider a Vice Captaincy on the 2024 version of David Fifita who would totally be my shag in a game of ‘shag, shoot, marry’.

The scoring is high, owners are getting all that delicious heart-pounding action, and with a 3-round average of 84 and only one score under 70 this season – why wouldn’t you VC the big man and enjoy the best 80 minutes of your life?

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Dylan Edwards

I mean. What even do I have to say?

The 4th highest scorer in SuperCoach this season in only 12 games.

The highest average at 94. Playing the Broncos who were steamrolled by the Warriors last round…

Honestly if you own Dylan.

Just do it.

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Jahrome Hughes

The Storm are playing the Tigers.

Jahrome has a 3-round average of 92. 

He is the second highest averaging halfback in SuperCoach this season.

Last week we channelled our inner Flight of the Conchords and called him ‘the most beautiful Captain on the street field’.

And he was not, he was the second most beautiful after Garlick, and not even in the top 3 most beautiful Captains on the street Round 17 – however:

This week. This week, he’s definitely in the Top three.

Do with that musing as you will…

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Spy’s Choices

Now, I’ve decided to pop in a new segment into this article which is where I also pick the brains of SC Spy over his VC/Captains each week.

And over the course of about 50 voice messages some which went for 10 minutes, some which went for 2 seconds – I have gleaned the following information for Round 18:

“Footy training might or might not be on tonight. Depends on the weather.

Blaize Talagi, go uber rogue and swing for the fences. 

“Matey. Word of the week. I’ve gone from buddy to matey just as an FYI, and I’m going to need a new word over the next few months. 

“My heart is completely broken, shattered. I am absolutely devastated I do not own Nicho because I would go him. (there may be some creative licence with this one, but it was the very gist of the 3 second message I promise).

Dylan Edwards is BOOM! 

“I have a Peter Alexander robe and Kmart uggies. I am set!

“And Latrell and obviously Teddy but you have him (burn noted).

Nicho and Edwards. Just make it the Friday night double header. VC Nicho into Edwards!”

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I am sticking strong to last week’s VC/Captain dual of Prince Nicho in the rain into Sunday arvo Teddy vs the Dragons.

There’s a billion good Vice Captaincy choices this round though, so if you want to go a bit rogue and poddy on your VC ala’ Spy’s Blaize choice or a random Dylan Brown – by all means do so!

For now, I’ve got a glorious 4-day weekend looming so I’m off to enjoy that, including ALL the footy games – and on that note:

Have a stunning weekend everyone and I hope your Captain scores you a ton and that it is Teddy because then I get a ton too…

Clementine xxx

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